
Open refine demo

(for more detail see Data Carpentry materials)

Open Refine (previously Google Refine) is an open-source tool that can help you to clean-up messy datasets. It presents itself as a spreadsheet-like interface, but all operations we do to the data are recorded and can be repeated or reversed. We will show how it can be used to solve some of the issues we have highlighted previously. You can use Open Refine to build-up a data-cleaning pipeline which you can apply to multiple files. We will not go that far today though. There are some nice introductory videos

Open Refine runs in a web browser, although you do not have to be online to use it.

Downloading and installation

OpenRefine 2.8 can be downloaded and installed for various operating systems

Some example data

We will use some data that have been simulated to demonstrate many of the problems we have seen already. Each row represents a different patient in a fictitious study and can be downloaded from the course website. (Right-click and Save Link as....)

Importing the data

Start the program. On Windows, Double-click on the openrefine.exe file. Java services will start on your machine, and Refine will open in your Firefox browser. On the Mac, you’ve probably installed the package into your Applications folder.

Note the file types Open Refine handles: TSV, CSV, *SV, Excel (.xls .xlsx), JSON, XML, RDF as XML, Google Data documents. Support for other formats can be added with Google Refine extensions.

Once Refine is open, you’ll be asked if you want to Create, Open, or Import a Project.

If all looks well, click Create Project.


Faceting provides you a snapshot of the entries in a particular column and allows you to filter down to particular rows. It can also quickly highlight problems with the data.

Typically, you create a facet on a particular column. The facet summarizes the cells in that column to give you a big picture on that column, and allows you to filter to some subset of rows for which their cells in that column satisfy some constraint. That’s a bit abstract, so let’s jump into some examples. Before we start, how many different entries would we expect to find a column that is supposed to denote whether somebody smokes or not`?

In this case, we have found many different ways for the smoking status to be recorded.

Edit. Note that at any time, in any cell of the Facet box, or data cell in the Refine window, you have access to edit and can fix an error immediately. Refine will even ask you if you’d like to make that same correction to every value it finds like that one (or not).

Trimming whitespace

Whitespace is when we have a blank space at the beginning, or end, of a text entry. They can be difficult to spot by-eye and for the computer Yes and Yes are completely distinct entries. This can have undesired consequences in a data analysis.

Fortunately, Open Refine has a straightforward solution to this problem


Staying with the Smokes column, there is also an inconsistent way of representing missing data; with Yes or TRUE used. Languages such as R would prefer TRUE to be used, although in practice we can use any as long as we are consistent.

Splitting into several columns

Sometimes multiple pieces of information can be encoded in a single cell. In our particular case, the ID assigned to each patient contains a hospital identifier (either AH or SG) and a numeric ID. For some analyses we might want to quickly perform operations that take the hospital as a factor

Filling missing values

The final column Date entered study was used to indicate the date at which each patient was enrolled onto the study in question. Patients were enrolled in batches. However, the person filling out the form thought it was helpful to include this information only once for each batch of new patients.

Upper- and lower-case transformations

For consistency, we might want the text entries in a particular column to be all lower or UPPPER case.

More-advanced text operations

Open Refine has it’s own language (“General Refine Expression language (GREL)”) for performing custom text operations in a column.

The Height and Weight columns are problematic because they contain the units information (kg and cm respectively). Languages such as R will interpret the values in such a column as text, and not numeric data. Simple plotting and numeric analysis will not be possible without extra manipulation.

Things to try

Exporting your data / project

You can export the modified table into a new file:-

Impact on analysis

Lets suppose we want to look at the difference in weight between males and females in the study. Which set of R commands looks more straightforward?

After cleaning

patients <- read.delim("patient-data-cleaned.tsv")
boxplot(patients$Weight ~patients$Smokes)

Before cleaning

patients <- read.delim("patient-data.txt")
patients$Weight <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(patients$Weight, "kg",""))
patients$Smokes <- str_trim(patients$Smokes)
patients$Smokes <- gsub("Yes","TRUE",patients$Smokes)
patients$Smokes <- as.logical(gsub("No","FALSE",patients$Smokes))

boxplot(patients$Weight ~patients$Smokes)